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Annular Protector Tool in rigscope warehouse

Prevent Costly Deepwater D&C Failures Before They Happen

Rigscope’s APT helps you tackle critical challenges—saving time, money, and future headaches.

Let’s talk before losses reach tens of millions.

Deepwater drilling and completion is full of risks — costly delays, equipment failures, and safety hazards. A single misstep can waste millions. Debris from poor displacement, RCD failures, and stuck tools can shut down operations fast. At Rigscope International, we can relate. And we have a solution.

Have you Ever?

Have you ever been on a rig that was displacing a well and said to yourself, "That’s good enough," only to fight the remaining debris throughout the rest of the completion?

Have you ever been on a rig trying to frack a multi-zone completion and pulling your hair out over the debris left behind from a substandard displacement?

Have you ever shut down and scratched your head, trying to figure out where you’re stuck during the frack? Could it be the service tool on the bottom, or maybe a tool joint stuck in the annular?

Have you ever heard of trying to over-pull the work string to free up what you think is a stuck service tool, only to find out you’ve been stuck in the annular at a tool joint and parted the work string?

Have you ever tried to bleed the annular enough to relax the element to move the work string when you thought the annular was negating your ability to know what’s happening below the closed annular element, and the frack dumped into the annulus?

How difficult is it to calculate the correct over-pull without exceeding it when closed in the annular element combined with stretch?

Have you ever tried slacking off the work string during a frack with 6,000 to 8,000 PSI in the annulus? The quick answer is—you cannot without APT.

Have you ever tried to drill out a shallow plug without knowing what lurks beneath?

Have you ever tried to calculate what it would take in a weighted work string and mud weight to drill safely?

Have you ever run the calculations only to realize that you can’t drill down because of upward forces?

Have you ever thought of running the shallow drill job utilizing MPD via the RCD, only to find out that you shouldn’t have? RCDs are barely getting by in the MPD world, let alone drilling in such a high-risk environment—like drilling into unknowns where anticipated pressures could exceed 8,800 PSI. I know because we’ve done it successfully many times, and I can tell you that a lot of planning is critical to a successful plug drilling campaign.

Have you ever had an RCD bearing crash leave during an influx?

Have you ever had an RCD bearing fail, setting off a chain of events such as stuck pipe, loss of pipe rotation, and loss of pumping—leaving you dead in the water with the potential of an influx that could put the rig crew, rig, and environment at risk?

Have you ever had an RCD bearing fail just before TD?

Have you ever experienced RCD damage to the point where the IRJ had to be pulled and transported to the shore base and then to the repair shop?

Have you ever had an RCD bearing fail and discovered that the replacement bearing was the wrong style, shutting the rig down while waiting on a replacement?

One thing is for sure with APT—once located, everything else is precise as opposed to a guess.

APT has no external tool joint profiles, hard banding, tong damage to pipe bodies, or drag.

APT far exceeds any specification required for the above applications.

If you ever need a solution, you may want to inquire about how RIGSCOPE’s APT can solve these challenges—hopefully before tens of millions of dollars are lost. And if not, we would be happy to visit and share so you’re better prepared in the future if you ever face one or more of these challenges in your career. If your career is in deepwater D&C, I promise you will face these challenges.

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